Consumers are already holding organizations and businesses to a new standard of accountability. They would not work with a company if their personal information was stolen or lost as they believe it’s important for companies to authenticate their users’ identities.
Yet despite these perceptions and growing expectations, many companies are still struggling to implement effective identity verification strategies that protect sensitive data without compromising user experience.
Sign 1: You’re relying on manual processes
The first sign that you need to strengthen your identity verification strategy is if you’re relying on manual processes. Manual processes are not only time-consuming and prone to human error, but they also make it difficult for businesses to scale or improve customer experience. Automating identity verification can help save time and money while also helping scale the business, improving customer experience at the same time.
Sign 2: You’re using outdated technology
If your existing software is difficult to use or doesn’t work properly, it can cause huge issues for your users. It could not only end up frustrating them but also make their jobs more difficult in the long run.
It’s important to keep in mind that technology evolves constantly and there are new solutions available all the time that can provide better functionality for your business and save you time and money in the process.
Sign 3: Your team is overwhelmed with the number of accounts they have to manage.
As the number of accounts you manage grows, so does the number of requests for account access. With each new client, there is an added layer of complexity to your team’s work—and that’s just for managing existing users.
Sign 4: You don’t have a customer-centric identity verification process in
Identity verification is the first step in your onboarding process, and it should be designed around your customers’ needs and expectations. This means that you need to understand what information they want from you as well as where it should come from—and then design your system accordingly. For instance, if an individual is expecting to receive an email with log-in instructions after filling out a form on your website, then that’s what she’ll expect to receive when she fills out the form on yours.
Sign 5: You’re not taking advantage of self-service customer portals
Self-service customer portals are a great way to reduce costs and increase efficiency. They can take a lot of the manual processes out of the hands of your team and put them into the hands of your customers, who are often more than happy to take care of their issues themselves. This reduces the need for staff and frees up more time for those employees who want to work on higher-value tasks.
Self-service customer portals also allow customers to manage their account information, making it easier for you to keep track of who has access to what resources. You’ll know exactly when someone has changed their details or added/removed users from their account with ease.
How identity verification software can save the day
If you have a business that relies on the sale of goods or services, customer identity verification software is a must. By verifying your customers’ identities, you can save time and money in the long run by ensuring that your products or services reach only verified individuals. Furthermore, if a fraudster were to impersonate someone who’s already been verified with your system, they would be immediately identified as fraudulent by the system itself.
Once an individual has been successfully logged in through an identity verification process, they can be confident that their private information isn’t being shared with unauthorized parties—and they’ll feel secure knowing that their information is protected. This creates a scenario where users are more likely to interact with your site because they know their data will be kept safe from malicious attacks; additionally, it makes customers feel confident doing business with companies who employ these systems—which creates more opportunities for revenue for your business down the road.