The internet is great for people who love things like social media and streaming videos, but it’s quite literally essential for every business to function and expand. However, while the business world becomes increasingly reliant on the web, this provides a fantastic opportunity for those below-the-board members of society: hackers. Data breaches of sensitive information can be some of the most costly problems for a company to face in 2021, which is why cyber threat intelligence has become a fast-growing niche. It’s crucial to maintain sensitive data and prevent costly breaches, which can have far-reaching consequences, even beyond losing money.
One of the best providers of cyber threat security is Viavi Solutions. They offer a comprehensive level of threat intelligence and security solutions designed to monitor threats and prevent data breaches. They have the experience, skill, and know-how required to identify cyber intelligence Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) accurately so the problem can be addressed immediately. That’s why they’re one of the leading choices for critical threat intelligence monitoring and in the cybersecurity industry.
Benefits of Threat Intelligence Monitoring
Threat intelligence is a crucial part of network performance monitoring that helps businesses collect valuable data concerning past, current, and potential cyber-threats or attacks. The primary benefit of this vital task is to identify and eliminate any potentially vulnerable areas in the network that could invite attacks or leave a chip in the defenses. It also reduces the allowable surface area for attacks since it provides IT with a better understanding of the network, how it functions, and how it could possibly be hacked into or breached. Then, the whole business has a much better idea of areas that could be at risk, allowing for better defenses and a deeper understanding of the entire IT infrastructure.
Increases Efficiency
Threat intelligence can increase response rates and allow for much faster identification of potential risks. It also allows for greater efficiency in weeding through minor issues that are of no consequence and the larger issues that are a real threat. This knowledge and data enable the IT response team to be much more efficient in their response time and approach. Eventually, they can help predict when and where attacks may occur, a huge boon for any business with sensitive information stored on their network.
Did you know that the amount of money lost to data breaches is expected to top six trillion dollars annually in 2021? The old adage of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” definitely comes into play here. Preventing data breaches before they occur can literally save companies thousands of dollars, which can have a significant effect on their bottom line.
In-Depth Network Analysis
Cyber threat intelligence also provides the benefit of an in-depth network analysis of every possible cyber threat. Having extensive and more comprehensive data means it’s possible to see the larger patterns there, which helps protect the network from threats. Finding the techniques criminals use can be a huge help when it comes to preventing attacks from occurring.
Cyber Threat Intelligence is a Vital Part of Network Performance Maintenance
As the world becomes increasingly reliant on the internet, it has evolved into a data superhighway and warehouse. Unfortunately, it also means there’s a plethora of sensitive information just waiting to be plucked from thin air by hackers. However, implementing cyber threat intelligence is the perfect way to combat this huge issue. Finding current and future data about cyber threats and identifying vulnerable places in the IT infrastructure are only two of the many benefits offered by this vital part of network performance maintenance. Start using cyber threat intelligence to avoid costly data breaches and keep your business running smoothly in 2021.